Socialtext's Enterprise Social Summit lunch - 24th October, Sydney


I've been invited to participate in a special event in Sydney later in the month, hosted by Socialtext:

Please join us for a special event in Sydney's CBD, hosted by Socialtext. This will be a technology-agnostic event focused on the tangible results of deployment Social Software in the South Pacific. Hear from practitioners who have traveled this road ahead of you along with industry leaders in the region such as Headshift Asia Pacific's James Dellow and Socialtext's Mark Oehlert around how to make the most of your Social Software initiative and what to look out for along the way.

Please feel free to invite your peers.

This will be a practical, explanatory and entertaining look at best practices, with a mix of formal topics covered and panel Q&A - more details to follow, please sign up today to reserve your place... Room is limited and demand is high!

Lunch will be served and this will be a great time to network with your colleagues.


BTW If you like the look of this event, Headshift Asia Pacific are also hosting a workshop + lunch with Euan Semple at the end of October too.