Connecting the Workplace


As I work as a consultant and advisor - rather than a contractor or full-time employee - I rarely get to take credit or even tell the story of the projects I am involved with. So it is always nice when a past client has the chance to tell their story in public.

Daisy Hoffmann recently presented Voice of the employee in workplace strategy at Intranets 2016 in Sydney, based on her experience of a transformation program at Australia's nbn. That program has an overarching goal to create a "great place to work".

This slide provides a one-page summary of the context, research and strategies for their digital workplace (what they call the "connected workplace"). A highlight for me in this project is that you can see the scope is beyond just the technology or even the intranet. A corporate ethnographic approach was also used as part of the process to gather knowledge about user needs, which were later articulated as personas.

nbn Connected Workplace summary slide

The whole presentation is available for download (PDF).

If you look carefully through the rest of the presentation, you might spot me in a couple of workshop photos...