KM Australia this week
I'm at KM Australia for the next few days - you can follow on Twitter, using the #kmaus hashtag.
Clearly, knowledge management isn't dead. But the name of the event is actually a little misleading, as the agenda is broader than simply what most people would classically identify as 'knowledge management'. It has a positively social business design flavour to it, with presentations such as Building social value in LEGO brick by brick with Lars Silberbauer, Head of Social Media at LEGO Group - you can read an interview with Silberbauer on April Allen's blog. I also noticed that Helen Mitchell from KPMG is presenting, so I hope we might hear a little more about how KPMG is using tibbr to support its KM goals.
On day two I'm participating in a debate about making tacit knowledge explicit with collaborative technologies, with Aaron Everingham, Shawn Callahan and Dr Vincent Ribiere. Brad Hinton wrote a great post to help kick start the debate.
I'm also looking forward to hearing Felicity McNish from Woods Bagot present on mobile knowledge management. Wood Bagot was also a case study in my recently published mobile apps report. Incidentally I wrote about mobile KM back in 2005 for IDM magazine in an article titled, In the Know and on the Move.
If you are attending KM Australia, please come say hello. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll be tweeting and maybe blogging over the next few days from the conference.
BTW If your organisation uses or is interested in using Jive, there is a user group meeting in Sydney this Thursday afternoon (after the main conference days at KM Australia).