Hackable office buildings


Gensler, an American design and architecture firm, outlines their vision for 'hackable' office buildings:

"Given workplace mobility trends, broadening employee and corporate interest in sustainability, in conjunction with growing economic pressure on businesses, the vision for the office building of the future in North America is no longer a new building. Instead the future lies in existing structures that have been adapted beyond recognition, beyond a use dedicated solely to traditional office work. These buildings will be forever known as the "Hackable Buildings".”

NAIOP '12 Ideas Competition - Office Building of the Future from Gensler LA on Vimeo.

(Slides from the video are also available on SlideShare)

Gensler was a winner in the NAIOP Inaugural Office Building of the Future Design Competition. A couple of the other winners have also posted videos, echoing similar themes:

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Hat tip: Stowe Boyd in GigaOM Pro.